100 College St.

Welcome to the Action, Computation, and Thinking (ACT) Lab, a cognitive psychology and neuroscience research group led by Samuel McDougle in the Department of Psychology at Yale University.


August 16th, 2024
• New preprint! --> "Audiomotor prediction errors drive speech adaptation even in the absence of overt movement"

August 6th, 2024
• New preprint! --> "Humans use local spectrotemporal correlations to detect rising and falling pitch"

July 1st, 2024
• New paper alert! Now published at JEP: General: "Independent influences of movement distance and visual distance on Fitts' Law"

June 6th, 2024
• New preprint! --> "Structured action preparation during visuomotor decision-making"

April 1st, 2024
• New paper alert! Now published at Cognition: "Oblique warping: A general distortion of spatial perception"

March 5th, 2024
• New preprint! --> "People accurately predict the shape of skill learning curves"

January 20th, 2024
• New paper alert! Now published at Psychological Science: "Dissociable codes in motor working memory"

September 25th, 2023
• New preprint! --> "Independent influences of movement distance and visual distance on Fitts' Law"

September 9th, 2023
• New paper alert! Now published at Psychonomic Bulletin & Review: "A common format for representing spatial location in visual and motor working memory"

July 27th, 2023
• New paper alert! Now published at Journal of Neurophysiology: "Metacognitive judgments during visuomotor learning reflect the integration of error history"

July 13th, 2023
• Our lab got its first R01 grant from NIH! Stay tuned for updates; we will be recruiting for a postdoc position

February 6th, 2023
• New preprint! --> "Oblique biases: An instance of domain and modality-general spatial representation"

January 23rd, 2023
• New preprint! --> "Metacognitive judgments during visuomotor learning reflect the integration of error history"

December 8th, 2022
• New preprint! --> "Reward prediction errors modulate attentional vigilance"

October 5th, 2022
• New paper alert! Now in press at eLife: "Contextual effects in sensorimotor adaptation adhere to associative learning rules"

July 25th, 2022
• New paper alert! Now published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "Motor Learning Without Movement"

June 8th, 2022
• Check out Juliana's new paper in Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making: "Reward prediction error modulates sustained attention"

April 10th, 2022
• Check out new work from Juliana Trach, Sami Yousif, and Flora Zhang now accepted at Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society:
[link to Publications tab]

March 14th, 2022
• New paper alert! Now accepted at Brain: "Continuous manipulation of mental representations is compromised in cerebellar degeneration"

Feb 17th, 2022
• New paper at Trends in Neurosciences: "Going Beyond Primary Motor Cortex to Improve Brain-Computer Interfaces"

Jan 15th, 2022
• New paper accepted at Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: "Revisiting the role of the medial temporal lobe in motor learning"

November 25th, 2021
• New piece out at Nature: "Context is key for learning motor skills"

October 24th, 2021
• New paper out at Neuroscience: "Post-error slowing during instrumental learning is shaped by working memory-based choice strategies"

August 16th, 2021
• New preprint: "Learning from the path not taken: Sensory prediction errors are sufficient for implicit adaptation of withheld movements"

July 7th, 2021
• New paper out at Cerebral Cortex: "Executive Function Assigns Value to Novel Goal-Congruent Outcomes"

January 21st, 2021
• New paper out at Neuron: "Behavioral, physiological, and neural signatures of surprise during naturalistic sports viewing"

October 22nd, 2020
• New preprint: "Executive modulation of brain reward systems endows goals with value" [link]

September 15th, 2020
• New preprint: "An associative learning account of sensorimotor adaptation" [link]

July 28th, 2020
• New paper out at Psychonomic Bulletin & Review: "Modeling the influence of working memory, reinforcement, and action uncertainty on reaction time and choice during instrumental learning" [link]

June 18th, 2020
• New preprint: "The role of executive function in shaping reinforcement learning" [link]

April 9th, 2020
• New preprint: "Cerebellar degeneration selectively disrupts continuous mental operations in visual cognition" [link]

March 29th, 2020
• New preprint: "Behavioral, physiological, and neural signatures of surprise during naturalistic sports viewing" [link]

March 20th, 2020
• New paper accepted at Journal of Neurophysiology [link]

November 26th, 2019
• New preprint: "Distinct processing of selection and execution errors in neural signatures of outcome monitoring" [link]

August 2nd, 2019
• New preprint: "Explicit strategies in force field adaptation" [link]

July 1st, 2019
• New preprint: "The influence of working memory, reinforcement learning, and action uncertainty on choice reaction time" [link]

May 2nd, 2019
• New paper out in Current Biology [link]

March 31st, 2019
• It's official: starting a lab @ Yale in Summer 2020! [link]

Janurary 3rd, 2019
• New paper out in Nature Communications [link]